Flow Chart for Sellers & Buyers
1. Contract of Sale
- Make appointment
- Explain Contract of Sale
- Verification of ID
- Obtain Bank contact
2. Finance
- Contact Bank provide a copy of the Transfer of Lot, Contract of Sale and Title Search
3. Reports
- Order reports
- Forward reports to Client
- Assist in resolving any issues highlight in reports.
4. Contract
- Finance unconditional
- Reports unconditional
- Contract of Sale unconditional
5. Settlement
- Settlement statement to Client
- Advise Client once settled
6. Complete File and Close
- Handover keys for new home
1. Contract of Sale
- Make appointment with Clients
- Verification of ID
- Explain Contract
- Have Client complete bank requirements
2. Finance
- Forward Bank Discharge form to bank
- Confirm settlement date
3. Reports
- Advise which reports to be conducted
- Advise if any issues have been highlighted
4. Contract
- Contract unconditional
5. Settlement
- Settlement statement to Client
6. Complete File and Close
- Celebrate!