RTA Modification Notice Update
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Updated April 2021: The period of Public Health Emergency Declaration has been extended to 21 June 2021. The Modification Notice of 60 days (extended from 14 days), remains in place.
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Wednesday, March 31, 2021
Updated April 2021: The period of Public Health Emergency Declaration has been extended to 21 June 2021. The Modification Notice of 60 days (extended from 14 days), remains in place.
Tuesday, September 01, 2020
Here's a list of things to do to prepare your property for the wet and pre-cyclone season.
Thursday, March 26, 2020
We've put together some information for tenants over this period. This is subject to change.
Tuesday, April 23, 2019
After living in my own home, being an investor and being in the Property Management industry, I thought Property Managers would take one look at my application and hug it to their chest in excitement! Haha. Nope!
Monday, December 24, 2018
UPDATED DEC 2019. As we approach the festive season, and everyone leaves Darwin, there are a few things that tenants need to be mindful of such as wet weather, storms, cyclones, leaving your home empty for a few weeks, smoke alarms going off, mould and your pool etc. We have provided some information below to help you prepare to enjoy your time off.
Friday, April 21, 2017
Updated: April 2021. Cash flow can be tight when moving house! EasyBondpay provide same day Rental Bond Loans so you can ease the pain of moving home and pay your rental bond over 3 or 6 easy monthly installments. Applying is easy and no credit rating is required.
Monday, March 13, 2017
When renting making damages in a property can put you in a very confusing and sticky situation. One of our tenants recently asked "What should I do if I damage something in the property I'm renting and/or if something in the property falls into disrepair?"
Wednesday, March 08, 2017
One of our tenants recently asked "Can you please explain how an agreement turns into a periodical agreement?"
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Updated Dec 2021. How do you know if your air conditioner is at the stage where you need a professional to have a look at it? Before calling a contractor there are a few simple things you can look at avoid a hefty repair bill, or a bill for something you could have done.
Thursday, February 23, 2017
When it comes to moving home you want to reduce your stress levels as much as possible. A little bit of panic and hand wringing is completely normal when undertaking a project as big as moving your entire life. But it’s important that little bit of panic doesn’t snowball into a torturous ordeal. Sally Wood gives us the Ultimate Moving Checklist including the little things you wouldn't think about before its to late!
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Updated January 2021. We are regularly asked the question: “What about my two weeks in advance?” This question is usually asked about two weeks prior to tenants vacating. The assumption that they don’t need to pay their rent two weeks prior to moving out is incorrect. We’ll try and simplify the explanation:
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